Time + Space + Reading

A book of essays about time, space, and reading. The book is typeset and designed in a way that is as broad and eccentric as the subject matter. Multiple typefaces and visual elements lead you through its pages.



Avant Garde Typesetting

Looking at the three spreads above you will see the alternating paragraphs between a serif (Joanna) and a sans serif (Gill Sans) with a blacked out background. Additionally, some of the paragraph lines continue on to the next page. The lines continuing on to the next spread aren’t arbitrary, on the final spread of each chapter the lines coincide with the upcoming chapters number. (2 lines before chapter 2, 3 lines before chapter 3 etc.)

Time Zone Map From Chapter 8

Time Zone Map From Chapter 8

Book Spreads

Book Spreads

French Fold Detail

French Fold Detail

Website on iPad and Social Media Screen

Website on iPad and Social Media Screen


Bites Cafe Identity and Packaging


Enspirit Conference Newspaper